Sunday, May 30, 2010

Benjamin Boyd, Adam Seenath - Missing since May 27th 2010

Benjamin Boyd driving the a Silver/Gold Corolla - PBX 8664, left his home at Barry Crescent Santa Monica Gardens, Mausica Road, Arima, around 9pm Thursday 27th May 2010, picked up his friend Adam Seenath at Cassava Drive, The Crossings, Tumpuna Road, Arima.

From there they were supposed to be heading back to Santa Monica Gardens but have not been seen or heard from since.

Benjamin was last spoken to around 10pm that night.

Calls to their phones have since gone unanswered.

Benjamin is 6" 4" tall with bright blue eyes, earrings in both ears, and has a cross tattooed on his right upper arm.

Adam Seenath is shorter with a paragraph tattooed on his left chest.

Please circulate this info to as many persons as possible.

Adam Seenath

Benjamin Boyd

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Miechelle Samaroo - Missing since 26 April 2010

Miechelle went to follow up on a cruise ship job application on the morning on April 26th, 2010.

Anyone with information on Samaroo’s whereabouts can call the La Horquetta Police Station at 643-3857 or the Arima Police Station at 667-3563

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Get Ready to Vote

Parliament has been dissolved and a date for General Elections has been set: May 24th, 2010.

Are you ready to vote?

Check your voter registration status on the EBC's website:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Transition from Dry to Rainy season

In our last post we talked about the threat of bush fires in the dry season, and gave some fire prevention tips.

But as we approach the May-November rainy season, another threat looms large.

With the deforestation that has taken place over the dry season we are bound to see an increase in surface runoff when the rains come. This means more water will be moving much more quickly over the land trying to find its way into rivers and the sea.

Are the waterways in your area ready for the onslaught? Preventative maintenance of the drains and watercourses are essential at this time to reduce the risk of flooding.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Fire Safety Tips

Friends and Neighbours in this period of heightened wildfire activity, it seems timely to highlight some safety precautions to take in the event that a wildfire threatens your home or the homes of loved ones.

Recently a friend of mine had to fight off a fire that was encroaching on her house. Luckily she was helped by neighbours and passers-by who formed a bucket brigade, because the fire station a mile away never responded until they had successfully doused the flames. To make matters even more difficult, there was no water in the mains - part of the nationwide water restrictions in effect. Thank goodness they had a tank that they were able to use to put the fire out.

Are you prepared in the event of an approaching brush fire?

* REMEMBER FIRES NEED FUEL. If you are in a high-risk area, you may want to clear at least a 30 foot perimeter around your house. If you are on a slope, you may need to extend that to 100 feet.

* Brush fires may accelerate UP a hill at a faster rate than going DOWN the hill. This is because the air heated by the fire rises and in turn heats and dries out the area ahead of the fire, in effect preparing a path for it to advance.

* LADDERS FUELS. Overhanging branches close to the roof offer a way for a fire to "jump" to your home - keep overhanging branches trimmed back in the dry season and douse the roof with water in the event of an emergency.

* Dead leaves, grass lying around the yard are easy to ignite - and to blow with the wind and spread the fire. Keep the area around your house clear of dead and dry vegetation.

* Dry overgrown shrubbery - trim excess growth and get rid of any dead leaves and branches to eliminate material that can fuel airborne sparks into full-blown flames.

* We grew up with neighbours prepared to construct a firebreak along the perimeter of our homes. A shallow ditch about 3-6 meters wide, cleared of ALL vegetation and possibly covered with red sand to cut off any fuel source.

More tips here available in this pdf download.

Also see this interactive presentation illustrating an imminent fire encroachment.

Be safe T&T.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kidnapped Car Dealer Ashraf Ali Rescued

Kidnapped auto dealer Ashraf 'Alvin' Ali was abandoned by his abductors as they fled intense pursuit via ground and air in the wee hours of Good Friday morning 2-Apr-2010.

Ali, 30, was abducted in Chase village on Wednesday night along with his wife Anita Harrinanan, 22. She was released that night.

On Thursday night, in an operation involving several police agencies, attention was focused on an area of Laventille where it is believed Ali was being kept.

As police carried out their searches they received information that Ali had been taken from the area. Air support was called in and the helicopter spotted the vehicle heading south along the Uriah Butler Highway.

Attempting to evade pursuit and road blocks, the kidnappers switched vehicles but were unable to shake law enforcement. The vehicle was abandoned and the kidnappers fled.

Police recovered the vehicle and Ali was found a short distance away not long after.

Reports in the daily newspapers today:

Trinidad Express

Trinidad Guardian


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

*UPDATED* American LEON TODD JONES hiding in TnT - wanted on charges of sexual abuse against minors

American LEON TODD JONES is wanted in Oregon for sexual abuse of 3 minors between 1996-2001. 

He has been hiding out in Trinidad. 

Extradition proceedings began Feb 2 and he has since gone into hiding somewhere in our blessed country. 

Please see today's Trinidad Express for further details.

Look for this face TnT. 

Anonymous posting allowed below, or contact CrimeStoppers at 800-TIPS (800-8477).

*** UPDATE ***
We've been able to identify that Jones, is in his late 40s and has the following physical attributes:

  • A long red birthmark on the back of his neck
  • A crooked scar on his abdomen
  • A tattoo of the name "Kerry" on his left forearm
  • Blue eyes
  • 5' 7" in height

He has been profiled on American TV's America's Most Wanted and the number they give to report any sightings is: